What does the ideal look like?

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What does "ideal" look like?

Related to the 10:00 session about improvement - what is our goal that we are striving towards?

Toyota: it was the one-to-one flow (order placed, car is delivered)

important differences with software:

  • no rework
  • one full process

So what does ideal look like, how software should be made?

@PJ: after I make a change, I want to get immediate (1-2 seconds) feedback available to customer. Everything we do today is to get closer to that by parallelizing, removing human steps from delivery, and make delivery reliable

When could such fast delivery be wrong?

  • [scribe notes, unspoken during the session, for it was too fast - e.g.: democracy was explicitly made slow with the checks and balances, plus being slow has made me realize on occasion that I'm solving the wrong problem]
  • capability/option should be there to put it to production so fast
  • is the business ready for? It's much better for a business to waste inventory than to wait on us [IT].
  • business competing with amazon - clearly, 1.5 years delivey is bad

But to deliver reliably, there should be a clear view of *what* should be delivered (build the right thing)

  • lean manufacturing
  • by optimizing only the IT side of things you only get so far - business also needs to be doing it (i.e.: what's the point of pretty CI, fast releases of well tested features if they are unneeded/unused?)

Ideal one to one flow in software: Waterfall!

  1. analyze
  2. define done
  3. design
  4. implement
  5. check
  6. deliver
  7. train

one flow for one person/pair/team

many are already trying this (do only one thing and finish it instead of multitasking, because latter is much slower)

Break features/tasks down to get feedback (or approximation of) fast enough, otherwise it takes too long to learn

ideal is ideal because it's unachievable (maybe utopia is a better word?)

Original waterfall paper actually requires these :)

Is the one request a small enough size? i.e.: what do we do about the "unknown unknowns"?

the ideal system would fail/crash totally when an assumption is violated, i.e.: would fall apart before actual delivery

Delivering features that were wanted when requested, but later not? => iterations, adjustment, it's normal

What if the business person can just "think it" and it exists?

  • ok, in the staging environment (e.g.: like a wind-tunnel)
  • prior business person only things (SQL, etc.) all broke because of the pesky little technical details or corner cases
  • corner cases/human error will always be there, and for that we need checks and balances (like in double entry bookkeeping), but for non-technical aspects, software shouldn't be the bottleneck
  • [unspoken scribe notes: essential complexity will always be there, but accidental complexity should be reduced/eliminated]

The ideal software process should assume perfect requirements (even if later business learns differently, see iterations above)

Eliminate the feedback cycles that slow us down

i.e.: in the the process from idea - design - implementation - test - release- maintenance, the later steps should all require shorter and shorter times than the prior ones

When is maintenance needed?

  • development screwed something up
  • business environment (world) changed that made some assumptions void (e.g.: previously single country business goes global)
  • maintenance is the ceremony - logrotate, disk full, etc. operations

ideal would be no CPU, memory, etc. limits

Maintenance could also be addressed by "making a new thought"

iterative analysis is needed

everything between idea and profit/value is waste


formal specifications are great, but by the time they become useful, they are essentially the code

ideal: like in the matrix, via a plugin - give me racks of guns

but why don't they think instead "my enemy should drop dead?" That's still "pesky technical detail/complexity that has to be addressed (i.e.: Neo actually performs the fight himself)

but instant software delivery requirement would force software development to be more efficient

What are we usually slowed down by?

  1. legacy data (and its migration to a new schema)
  2. incomplete requirements

different thinking:

business - I want 2 out 10 to be successful traditional IT - optimize for resource utilization, and thus there is no slack in the system when you would need it for something new lean - optimize for learning short cycles - single flow, feedback, then decide of next move (canning a project early due to learning can be a good/great decision!)

Forward (the company): classic fake based development aka. market/customer validation

  1. buy a bunch of adwords, see what people click on (leading to empty/under construction pages)
  2. once figured out which ads are popular, create a static store / landing page with product pictures and all -> add to cart results in "internal server error"
  3. idea cristallized: people are willing to buy bird cages from us -> now we can go and start the business, supplies, and build the actual webshop, etc.

idea -> build -> measure -> [back to] idea (can't see in the notes, but each step is a block, and build is intentionally much smaller than the idea/measure steps, to signify that it should take much less effort than the others)

note: measure is not enough, need to analyze

Should the ideal be defined for every single project?

different goals, different environments, etc.

all the above is useful to actually give a framework in which it can be explained why TDD is useful (to keep the "build" box small)

Use utilities! A.k.a.: focus on core competencies!

  • e.g.: like with electricity - we should move on from the state of "how do I get power here" to "what do we do with the energy that's available here?"
  • 10 years ago we installed Word on the PCs, twiki's on the servers, now we just use google docs and other online tools
  • heroku and others make deployment and much of operations a utility
  • remove choices/options that are not a competitive advantage for you (power of default) => faster development

Ideal is a guiding light - sometimes removing a choice is the good thing, sometimes adding it

remove non-human activities

Model Driven Architecture


  • traditionally: UML -> code
  • restrict problem domain, so there is no need for code
  • state machines

problem: using it bigger contexts,

  • data driven apps
  • frameworks handle persistence

enables you to move faster mockup with the customer, go home and implement

  • approximation
  • specific domain

future: cam't automate everything, but some things you shouldn't write at all

turn your app's core into a DSL (domain specific language)

one such framework: http://portofino.sf.nt / http://www.manydesigns.com

Demming circle