Implementing CI - creating the avalanche
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The problem
- Challenge is to successfully implement CI and get everyone on board with it.
- Change management.
- Recognize who you are trying to get on board
- Depends if you are internal or external
- internal - you here legitimacy, but have to overcome politics
- external - sometimes easier for management to accept what you are saying as they are paying for the privilege. (eg consultant)
The Solution
- Recognize it is a sales pitch.
- you have to address managers & workers
- ensuring you address ego & ownership.
- by doing so, you improve odds of long term success.
- what do management want?
- not just $ or Quality
- reduced risk!
- Demonstrate RoI
- Identify what is their Pain !
if this is a sales role....
- Prospect
- Homework.
- Identify decision makers
- Adjust your communication habits
- we have to build trust
- we have to look at our own image
- importance of others perception of us. The sale is about the buyer liking us.
- So. we have "challenges" as IT people, trying to communicate with non. IT staff.
- while we may know that the Tool / Approach / Technique is the best thing to do, we have to sell its benefits to others, not in terms of cool specs / latest IT fad / bleeding edge technology but because it will Reduce costs / Make Maintenance easier / Improve Quality
etc etc.
- Sell
- Know your audience - addressing their ego/ownership
- Answer problem about improving RoI
- Answer problem about reducing risk
- Improve our people skills
- Habit
- Image
- Perception