Colin Goudie

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Colin Goudie's Profile

Contact Details

Colin Goudie
MineSuite Principal Engineer, Maptek
Business Email: colin.goudie(AT)
Personal Email: colin.goudie(AT)
My Blog:
Twitter: gommo

Work Background

I'm the Principal Engineer for the MineSuite product developed by Maptek. Our core product is a large legacy Java client-server application with c++ real-time components for data acquisition. In the past year we have worked to utilise more continuous integration and testing techniques especially on our next generation platform. Much of this knowledge was gained from our experiences in last years CITCON.

My Interest in CITCON

My interest in CITCON goes beyond my current work needs. I'm looking to improve my own knowledge in this area as well as network with other like-minded developers. I'm hoping to take away not just great CI & Testing ideas to implement with my development team but ideas relating to all facets of Software Engineering.

I'm particularly interested in best practise set-ups for CI servers for release phases (i.e. testing, production etc..) and what's new in the BDD space with tools such as Concordian and FIT.