Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are the most commonly asked questions. If you don't find what you are looking for, please write us by using the contact page.
Thanks for helping to improve our site.
- CITCON Denver will take place at the
Doubletree Hotel Denver.
If you are traveling to Denver for the conference, you may want to take advantage of the conference group rate
of $99/night. To make reservations please contact the hotel directly by calling 303.321.3333. When making
reservations please ask for the CITCON room block. There are only 20 rooms blocked, so make reservations
How many people may attend the conference? Up to 150
- Space is limited to the first 150 registrants, so register early to secure your spot!
Why not follow the same format as most conferences and schedule presenters? Simplicity and value.
- Using the openspaces approach to organizing the conference reduces the management required to conduct the conference and leads to the greatest amount of learning for everyone in attendance.
Is this a CruiseControl only event? No.
- People involved with any project, open source or not, are invited to attend. This conference will benefit most from a diverse group of people that share one thing in common - Testing Continuously.
Is this an open source only event? No.
- Anyone promoting a product, process, or procedure that enables software developers to automate their testing through continuous integration are invited to attend.
Are product vendors allowed to attend? Yes.
- See "Is this an open source only event?"
Can I speak at the conference? You can try.
- This is an open space conference. Read the details about how openspaces work, especially the part about how to lead an open space talk. Don't expect to monopolize the conversation. If you try to, you'll find that most attendees will use the 'Law of two feet' to find another talk.
Can I bring prepared materials for a talk? Yes.
- Be prepared for the possibility that your topic may not get accepted.
Since the conference is free, who is sponsoring the event? Our sponsors!
- In typical open source fashion, this conference will be free to everyone attending. Generous donations from our sponsors will fund the bulk of the expenses, which are being kept purposefully low.
Will this be an annual event? Yes.
- See the archive for past events!
- CITCON North America 2009? We haven't decided where it will be yet! Join us in Denver to participate in the discussion about where to go next.
Can I attend the conference remotely, via phone or webcast? No.
- To facilitate an atmosphere of open communication resulting in understanding and innovation, attendance is only allowed in person. Please check back at this Web site for general notes and other postings after the conference.
Can I help? Yes.
- Contact the conference committee with your ideas.