From CitconWiki
Selenium Grid and Selenium
Selenium Grid
Is it worth switching to Selenium Grid?
Selenium Grid Benefits:
- for cross browsers, there are other options as well
- parallel testing
Latest version: 2.47 (2 people in the room use the latest version)
Ideas on using Selenium Grid with other configs:
- !Gradle
- SauceLabs / Keynote (Keynote costs more)
- transfer selenium tests to headless browser / api tests (e.g AngularJS, Protractor)
- Apache Mesos
Selenium Flaky Tests
Did anyone of us tried tracking the failures of a test and doing an analysis on that, such as to see the frequency of flakiness?
- custom JUnit runner to parse build results (and store in DB or just Logger)
- Atlassian Bamboo
- rerun failed tests
Selenium Fixing reds (failed tests)
One of the problems is that test builds are red and nobody seems to care...
- measuring and visualizing
- ownership on tests
- set a smaller goal of the day