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Organic Spider Mite Miticide

Getting rid of the spider mites can be a difficult and tricky thing. That's because these pests are very persistent and prolific; they refuse to go down without a fight. What's more, under the right conditions it's not uncommon to eradicate an infestation only to have a new one just a few days or weeks later. So what's a gardener to do?

Our recommendation is that you use an organic miticide like Liquid Ladybug. There are a number of reasons for this suggestion which we'll discuss in this article. Suffice it to say, eradicating spider mites means killing them and stopping laid eggs from hatching. If both of these tasks are not accomplished you are only delaying the inevitable; the spider mites will return in full force.

Home Remedies

Gardeners have been using a variety of home remedies for generations. You can find these home remedies all over the Internet with mixed results. Examples include soapy water, tobacco juice, coffee, neem oil, and others. The only problem with these home remedies is that not all of them work with all types of vegetation, and not all of them actually kill spider mites.

In the latter case, not killing spider mites doesn't really solve the root of the problem. If you're simply driving spider mites off your plants rather than killing them, they could potentially find new sources of food which will allow them to continue multiplying and regain their numbers. It's essential that whatever remedies you use actually kills the spider mites rather than simply driving them away.

Chemical Miticides

Chemical miticides have been on the market for quite a long time. Most of them are effective but impractical for home use. Usually chemical products are used by large agricultural operations that happen to be fighting a number of pests simultaneously. But for home use, they are unwise for several reasons.

First and foremost, they are toxic by nature and can pose some danger to your children, your pets, and your immediate environment. Second, these chemicals not only kill the mites, they also kill natural predators. And where the number of natural predators is reduced you're just inviting the breeding cycle to continue.

An organic miticide is the best option for home use because it does the job without any of the harmful side effects. Organic miticides like Liquid Ladybug use essential oils to suffocate spider mites and kill them and their hatchlings. These organic materials are completely safe, do not harm flowering plants, and don't introduce harmful chemicals into the soil.

Lastly, unlike chemical miticide, organic products can be used year-round in order to prevent future infestations. You don't have to worry about allowing your plants six months of rest time like you do with some chemicals. Once a spider mite infestation is completely eradicated, a monthly or bimonthly application of your organic product should keep spider mites at bay in the future.