Effective test automation

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Revision as of 01:03, 21 October 2012 by Julianharty (talk | contribs) (Created the initial page and added a section on 'flakytests')
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--- flakytests --- Flaky tests are common, but not inevitable. There are various ways to identify what's causing the tests to appear flaky. Simon Stewart - creator of WebDriver and lead for the Selenium opensource project has spoken and provided material on the topic on several occasions. Here's a link to a brief Q&A where he suggests 3 possible reasons and how to address them http://www.eurostarconferences.com/blog/2012/10/17/test-leaders-live-webinar-qa-with-simon-stewart and here's a longer article he wrote for the Google Testing blog http://googletesting.blogspot.hu/2009/06/my-selenium-tests-arent-stable.html

Also Jonathan Kohl published an article on 'unreproduceable bugs' http://www.kohl.ca/articles/unrepeatablebug.pdf