AI curse or blessing?

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What are the attendants using AI for?

- Enhanced search engine - Assistant / bounce ideas of it to clarify own thinking, and get other viewpoints - Specific task code generation, 0 to 60% quickly. (the part after that is the harder bit) - Using it as a text assistant, making your text more compelling - Implement low/medium -difficult code, by providing API documentation and context - Social media content generation - Cooking recipies

Assumptions on effect of workforce

- Heavily reduce need for junior developers - Increased projects / investments as assumed higher productivy, lower overall cost, faster to try out ideas, new solution possibilities - New job: Prompt engineer - Major demand for skillset to train models on company data - New skill demand: Detecting fake/AI -generated data, text, images etc.

Change to developer/software professional role

- Generating code is one segment of the role - Others are likely emphasized in value as AI spreads: communication, debugging, understanding tech, product and market context, creativity, software engineer practices, architecture, logging/observability to speed up AI assisted iteration

Other implications

- Accelerate "Dead Internet" ( - AI vs. AI. Usage of AI to generate actions, and counterpart using AI to counter these actions. Both malicious and everyday. - Education: Emphasized need to navigate and validate information validity. - EU regulations on the way for AI limitations, US only talk at the moment. Will companies comply in their products by strictest market (EU) or ship regionally configured solutions? - "Generated by AI" and "Information is incorrect" are both interesting aspects but they are not the same. - Everything homogenised? Knowledge, music, etc.

Evolution of assisted writing:

| Spell check | Corrects you | | Grammarly etc | Rephrases for you | | Chat GPT | Generates text with you setting the context |

The responsibility remains on the author/committer/approval stamper as before.