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Your Family and Swimming Pool Fun

When you have your own personal pool, you do gain a tremendous responsibility for safety and security. It may seem intimidating at first, but a little planning a forethought will ensure your family and friends always remain safe around your pool, spa or hot tub. The statistics aren't pleasant. It's estimated that every year, nearly a thousand children die from drowning, most within swimming pools. Drowning has became the second primary cause of accidental death for individuals between 5 and 24 years of age.

Hot tubs should be reserved to mature individuals. The heat generated can easily cause a child's body to overheat, some have even drowned as a result. Experts advise against allowing children in a hot tub.

Fences are a must, regardless of whether you choose a pool or hot tub. The fence should separate the water area from your home and should have a secure gate that requires an adult to open and close.

It is recommended that your fence follow these specifications:

A.) Fencing should be 4 feet tall, or around 130 cm, or even higher.

B.) Fences should not have foot or hand railings that children might climb over.

C.) Any slats or bars should have under 4 inches, or 110 mm, between them. You might also opt for chain-link fencing.

D.) Gates should be both self-closing and self-latching. The latches should remain out of children's reach.

There are items on the market like alarms or pool covers, but these haven't really been proven to prevent drowning among young children. A fence is the most effective protection available.

Once you have the area secured for your little ones, you can focus on helping them become acquainted with the water. The best way to swim is when your body is relaxed and you are comfortable, not when you fear drowning or are trying to fight the water.

Some children will nearly instantly have a love of the water. They may seem to throw caution to the wind and literally jump in. Some children will be far more reluctant or even cry as soon as they see it. Regardless, it's important to maintain an introductory attitude for the first few encounters. Let them get a feel for the water and how their body reacts to it.

A nervous child who cries around the water simply needs patience. Take everything as slowly as possible. Explain as much as possible in simple and basic terms. You might sit them on the edge of the pool or on the first step into the pool, if you have them. Let them become comfortable with splashing and kicking. Once they become accustomed to that, and appear to be enjoying it, encourage them to walk around the shallow portion of the pool. Always let them know they can hold onto the railing or the pool's sides for support. Never push your child to learn faster or force them into anything they aren't comfortable with.

Children who seem to have no fear of the water aren't completely out of danger. They can easily find themselves in depths they aren't familiar with and have no way of moving to the shallow side. These children are at the opposite end of the spectrum and need to learn a respect for the water. This is done gently and cautiously. It's useful to find some way to reward these children for remaining in safe areas until they properly learn to swim.

The summer months mean lots of water activities to alleviate the oppressive heat, but you can take these simple steps to ensure these activities remains fun and healthy. Always ensure children have constant supervision when they're around water. Young children can drown in less than 2 inches, or 6 cm, of water depth. This also means you take precautions around sinks, bathtubs or anything filled with water. Don't forget adequate life vests or safe floatation devices can help. For concerns or questions, always contact your Brisbane Swimming Pool Builders for complete information on safety around your pool.


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